When you consider purchasing a new vehicle, do you think of the generation to come that may someday soon need to drive it? We do. Providing opportunity for our children, the future farmers to learn about and learn to love farming includes purchasing equipment that they will use.
It takes all types of equipment of all sizes to run Cornerstone farms. Tractors, drills, hay rakes, combines... the list goes on and on. Some are new and others have seen decades of use on the farm, but we strive to keep all in top condition and ready for use. When it comes to farming keeping the equipment in top condition is extremely important.
Take one look around the farm and you will notice that most of the equipment is a red Case IH. This rests in part with Audry's father Dick Hammack. Dick ran an International dealership (the predecessor of Case IH) in Enterprise during the 1970's. He taught Kevin one of his first sentences "John Deere no good" and that quote has stayed with the farm ever since.